Fall 2021 – Spring 2022 Faculty Publications, Conferences, and Grants

The Harrington School of Communication and Media faculty have had a very productive year. Our highly accomplished filmmakers, documentary artists, researchers, and authors are making important contributions to their respective disciplines. Research and creative works this academic year include internationally acclaimed films to peer-reviewed research that is breaking new ground on a variety of topics.

Ashish Chadha
Associate Professor – Film/Media

Betty J. CotterBetty Cotter 
Part-time Faculty – Writing and Rhetoric, Journalism

  • Cotter, B.  “College Girl,” published online by Capsule Pages, September 2021. (Memoir essay)
  • Cotter, B.  “The Smock,” published online by The Good Life Review, fall 2021. (Memoir essay)
  • Cotter, B. Excerpt from the novel Sisters in Exile published in The Elpis Pages anthology, December 2021.
  • Cotter, B.  “Henry David’s Visitor,” published online by Flyway, Journal of Writing and the Environment, Iowa State University, January 2022. (Short story)

Chris HendersonChris Henderson
Lecturer – Public Relations, Sports Media and Communication

  • Henderson, C W. and Oates, T.P. “This Means More: Branded Solidarity at Liverpool’s Soccer Clubs.” Communication & Sport. (May 2022).


  • Henderson, C. W., “From Elite Enclave to Queer Counterpublic: Tracing the Lineages of Portland’s Providence Park” (British Society of Sports History, London, UK, August 2021).
  • Henderson, C.W. and Oates, T.P. “This Means More: Branded Solidarity at Liverpool’s Soccer Clubs.” Communication & Sport. (May 2022).

Madison JonesMadison Jones
Assistant Professor – Writing and Rhetoric

  • Jones, M.  “A Counterhistory of Rhetorical Ecologies”. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, vol. 51, no. 4, 2021, pp. 336–352. (article) https://doi.org/10.1080/02773945.2021.1947517
  • Jones, M.  “Writer’s Retreat” The Southern Review. Summer 2022. (poem)



  • “Eco-composing with Rhetorical Poetics” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, Illinois (March, 2022).
  • “Rhetorical Ecologies: A Roundtable Discussion of a Threshold Concept” Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Baltimore, Maryland (May 2022).
  • “Activism by Design: Cultivating Change through Social Innovation, Human-Centered Design, Place-Based Social Justice Advocacy, and Community-Led Efforts.” Computers & Writing Conference (May 2022).
  • “Writing at the Middle of the World.” Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Baltimore, Maryland (May 2022).


  • $5,000. PI. Rhode Island State Council on the Arts Fellowship in Poetry, 2021. 
  • $750,000. Co-PI. Tolani Olagundoye (PI), Alissa Cox, Christina DiCenzo, Michelle Fontes, Madison Jones, Becky Sartini, Christine Turenius-Bell, Kate Venturini. Rhode Island Agriculture and Food Systems Fellowship Program (RIAFSFP). National Institute of Food and Agriculture, 2022-2026.

Joon Kim

Joon Kim
Assistant Professor – Public Relations, Communication Studies

    • Jun, J., Kim, J. K., & Woo, B. (2021). Fight The Virus and Fight the Bias: Asian Americans’ Engagement in Activism to Combat Anti-Asian COVID-19 Racism, Race and Justice.
  • Alharbi, K., Kim, J. K., Noland, C., & Carter, J. (2022). When Corporate Social Advocacy Meets Controversial Celebrity: The Role of Consumer–Brand Congruence and Consumer-Celebrity Congruence. Sustainability, 14(3), 1811.
  • Heo, Y.J., Choi, C.W., Overton, H., Kim, J. K., & Zhang, N. (2022). Feeling Connected to the Cause: The Role of Perceived Social Distance on Cause Involvement and Consumer Response to CSR Communication, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 99(1) 213–236.


  • Kim, J. K., Overton, H., Carter, J., & Alharbi, K. (2021, November). Examining the Role of Self-Enhancement, Collective Efficacy, and Subjective Norm as Predictors of Corporate Social Advocacy Support. Paper presented at the National Communication Association (NCA) Conference, Seattle, WA.
  • Kim, J. K., Alharbi, K., Carter, J., Bhalla, N., & Huang, S. (2021, November). Faith is Good for Business: Consumer-Company Congruence and the Connection BetweenReligious Strength and Consumer Behavior. Paper presented at the National Communication Association (NCA) Conference, Seattle, WA.
  • Overton, H., Harrison, V., Eng, N., & Kim, J. K. (2022, March). Are We Legit? Measuring Perceptions of Organizational, Issue, and Actional Legitimacy Across CSR Partnership Types. Paper to be presented at the International Public Relations Research Conference (IPRRC). Orlando, FL
  • Overton, H., Kim, J. K., & Sipes, C. (2022, March). Is that CSA or CSR? Understanding Gen Z Consumer Expectations and Evaluations of Companies Level of Engagement with Social-Political Issues. Paper to be presented at the International Public Relations Research Conference (IPRRC). Orlando, FL
  • Kim, J. K., Jun, J., Overton, H., Robertson, B., Bhalla, N., & Ciccarelli. (2022, May). Science, Faith, and Information Sources as Drivers of Individuals’ Perceptions of COVID-19 Risk and Mask-Wearing Intentions. Paper to be presented at the International Communications Association (ICA) Conference, Paris, France.
  • Lee, J., & Kim, J. K. (2022, June). Corporate Activism and Stakeholder Reactions: Substantiveness, Information Signalers, and Investors’ Stock Purchase Intention. Paper to be presented at the International Association for Business and Society (IABS) 2022 conference, San Francisco, CA.


  • URI Social Science Institute for Research, Education, and Policy (SSIREP) Faculty Seed Grant Principal Investigator Examining the Role of Employee-Oriented Mental Health Corporate Social Responsibility With Jegoo Lee (assistant professor, College of Business) $5,000.

Ammina Kothari

Ammina Kothari
Professor and Director of the Harrington School of Communication and Media – Journalism

  • Kothari, A and Cruikshank, S. (2021). Artificial Intelligence and Journalism: An Agenda for Journalism Research in Africa. African Journalism Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/23743670.2021.1999840


  • Godleski, S.A., Harris, C.T., Fitzpatrick, K.M., and Kothari, A. (2022). Social and behavioral vulnerability, pregnancy, and negative mental health outcomes in the U.S. during the Covid-19 pandemic. AIMS Public Health. https://doi.org/10.3934/publichealth.2022023
  • Kothari, A., Walker, K and Burns, K. (2022). #CoronaVirus and Public Health: The Role of social media in sharing health information” Online Information Review. https://doi.org/10.1108/OIR-03-2021-0143


  • Kothari, A., Schieferdecker, D., Pfuhl, G and Godleski, S. (2021). “Role of Education, Risk Perception and Social Trust in Predicting Intent to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine”. World Pandemic Research Network. WPRN-547652, 01/10/2021: https://wprn.org/item/547652 (virtual).
  • Kothari, A. (2021). “Increasing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Media Law & Ethics Curricula.” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual conference (virtual).
  • Schieferdecker, D., Pfuhl, G, Kothari, A., and Godleski, S. (2022). “The Temporal Dimension of Vaccine Hesitancy during the COVID-19 Pandemic” Health Communication Division. International Communication Association’s annual conference in Paris, France
  • Kothari, A., and Godleski, S. (2022). “The Good and Bad: How Adolescents and Young Adults Use Social Media for Mental Health Support” Post-Conference on Digital Health Communication: Issues and Perspectives. International Communication Association’s annual conference in Paris, France.

Yan MaYan Ma
Professor – Graduate School of Library and Information Studies

  • Ma, Y. (2022). Proposal of “Paradigm Expansion and Inclusion: Visual Literacy Research for the Field of Information” was accepted to present at the 54th Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, August 10-12, 2022.

Lauren Mandel

Lauren Mandel
Associate Professor – Graduate School
of Library and Information Studies


Mary Moen

Mary Moen
Assistant Professor – Graduate School of Library and Information Studies

Melissa Villa-Nicholas
Assistant Professor – Graduate School of Library and Information Studies

  • Villa-Nicholas, M. Latinas on the Line Invisible Information Workers in Telecommunications. Rutgers University Press, 2022.
  • Sweeney, M. E., and  Villa-Nicholas, M. “Digitizing the ‘Ideal’ Latina Information Worker.” American Quarterly, vol. 74, no. 1, 2022, pp. 145–167., https://doi.org/10.1353/aq.2022.0007.


  • Recipient of SSIREP Faculty Seed Grant. On behalf of the URI Social Science Institute for Research, Education, and Policy (SSIREP). To investigate “Data Borders: Responses” Faculty Seed Grant ($5,000)

Justin Wyatt
Associate Professor – Communication Studies, Journalism, Film/Media

  • Wyatt, J. “Appreciating the Costs and Benefits of Media Market Research in the Digital Era.” The Routledge Companion to Media Industries, 2021, pp. 527–535., https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429275340-53.
  • Wyatt, J, and Leggatt, M. “The Limits of Nostalgia: Understanding the Marketplace for Remaking and Rebooting the Hollywood Musical.” Was It Yesterday?: Nostalgia in Contemporary Film and Television, Albany: State University of New York Press, 2022.
  • Dombrowski, L and Wyatt, J. The Later Films and Legacy of Robert Altman. Edinburgh University Press, 2021.