Michael Andreozzi

  • Chief Executive Officer, Beltone New England


Michael K. Andreozzi, CEO of Beltone New England and a recent recipient of the University of Rhode Island’s Distinguished Achievement Award, grew up in the hearing aid business. Michael graduated from the University of Rhode Island with a degree in Communicative Disorders and Speech Communications. He then worked with several manufacturers within the industry after his graduation in 1988, purchased his family’s hearing aid retail business in 2001, and a year later he began a rapid expansion of locations across the East Coast.

Now, over a decade later, Michael owns the largest dispensing hearing aid practice in the country, with over 80 dispensing practices in 12 states from Maine to Florida, which employs over 160 people.

Michael currently serves on several boards, including The Board of Governors with International Hearing Aid Society, Beltone Electronics in Chicago and GN Hearing Care in Denmark. He is also a Partner in 3DM-United Sciences, a laser ear scanning company that will change the way that impressions are taken of the human ear for years to come.

Michael is considered one of the most important voices in the retail hearing aid industry and a nationally recognized leader and innovator.